Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ladies, patience IS a virtue on (and off) that dance floor!

I was teaching the Rungo Dance Method to a group this morning and it dawned on me....ladies we need to be nice and patient when we dance with our guys, well any guy but especially YOUR guy. Remember girls that we have the ability to ALWAYS make things worse or better when it comes to interacting with our counter parts. I have seen it time and time again; lets make things better. What could it hurt?
Let's leave out the smart remarks and rolling of the eyeballs. Let go of the pushing and pulling and all that control that you seek. How about just being nice and kind. It's a state of mind. How about it? Have you ever tried living life this way; letting go? Allow yourself to experience things as they are and arrive as opposed to anticipating and planning, sometimes with antagonistic expectation. Where can we do this best......the dance floor.
A true follower makes the best leader. It's a very well kept secret and you leaders out there know of what I speak. It's quite simple and sometimes in the right state of mind, very easy. So we get in the arms of our partner and we give a kind and patient smile as to say ' I know you are more than equipped to handle this situation and I will gladly put myself in your hands and trust that you will guide me properly'....WOW, he may pass out! Try it girls, I bet it will work!
Now is where the patience comes in; you must genuinely live up to this standard you have just exhibited and NEVER lose your head. If you feel like venting call me! Corinne 727-741-3337 and we can discuss your feelings. Or send to rungodancetips@gmail.com

Who TRULY wants to be a good dancer?

If you're honest with yourself you will have to admit that you, too, want to be a good dancer; well at least an okay dancer. And that's good because most everyone wants that too. How many times are you going to 'sit out' because you 'don't know.' Frankly, no one really cares HOW you dance, they care THAT you dance. (Unless you are in the Ballroom/Tango world and then bets are off).
I think you should not judge yourself in the hands of a mutual amateur and just bite the bullet and pretend no one is watching and DANCE. What do you really have to lose? Heck, you might find that it is liberating!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Switch Your 'Bad Dancer' Status into an "Okay dancer status' in 10 Minutes

Dancing is everywhere, and especially in Clearwater.  The dancing television shows have really done a great service for getting the public to be more aware of dancing and its' assets. Dancing has all types of benefits; weight loss, grace and poice, confidence, overcoming shyness, posture, improved social contacts just to name a few.

  'Dancing with the Stars' has ignited all types of interest; Kirstie Alley and 100 Days of dance and her tremendous weight loss and body transformation, Jerry Rice, Emmitt Smith and Warren Sapp as recognized master athletes earning  top ratings. And Heather Mills proving that 'anyone' can break through their limitations, just to mention a few. Dancing is on the map and also in Clearwater, Tampa Bay!

So, how can we better our dancing skills as to make quality as part of the quantity.  It's actually very simple.  In my method of teaching dance lessons known as Rungo Dance I provide good and simple dance tips and techniques that ANYONE can achieve.  It ain't rocket science. In fact you rocket scientists usually make great students. 

So jump aboard the Rungo tip and technique quest. I can turn your bad/nonexistent dancing into at least  okay dancing!  rungodancetips@gmail.com

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Large Rock Step is Hazardous to Your Swing Dance!

If there's one dance tip we recommend at the Rungo Dance and Fitness Academy is to be certain to shrink your rock step. Simple and easy, just don't let that rock step surpass your hips; yes it should be that small. Oh and make sure when the weight goes onto the back foot that it's released from the front foot!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dance it Right the First Time

Today another milestone at Rungo dance and fitness!  I'm teaching one of my Zumba (rungodance) girls and on her lesson she learns how to count the cha chac cha, where the one is, the left and right side of the box with proper footwork and TO MUSIC!  I am soooooo proud of her, Marianella, you rock!

The point is that private lessons are so effective.  It's worth spending the money to get that individualized attention. It's better to have one  private lesson where you can apply and practice what you learn as opposed to taking a class by itself or going out dancing and 'picking up' habits.  The risk of learning things improperly in a group or 'wherever' is too great.   Do yourself a favor and learn it correctly from the beginning.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Diamonds or Dancing?

Ladies would you prefer an expensive, beautiful, luxurious diamond or a moderate dance lesson package that insures indefinite date nights for the rest of your days with your man???

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What is Rungodance?


RUNGODANCE is a method of teaching developed by a 24 year dance professional.  This system allows the student a fast and easy way to learn simple movements that incorporate everyday activities such as listening, looking, shifting weight and walking. Why introduce complex multi-layered patterns and steps when all that is necessary is grooving to the music of your choice with basic weight changing movements. 

This approach is perfect for those who don't have a lot of time nor want to spend a lot of money.  The results are immediate.  A man can have his lady moving around the floor to her favorite song within 10 minutes.  A lady can enjoy the highlights and dynamics of a tune and feel the freedom to be expressive.

Through private and semi private classes the method can be illustrated and administered based on ones' personal needs.  Group classes focus on repetition and drilling of technique so thinking becomes a secondary function.  The mind can get in the way of the body and it's reactive sense; RUNGODANCE helps to eliminate that 'analysis paralysis' that is very easy to stumble into. Traditional classes such as Swing and Salsa also assist in the understanding and application of RUNGODANCE.

Basically if there is music, there is RUNGODANCE; any place or any time.  Whether you are at the bar room, the ballroom, a wedding reception or Uncle Joe's Anniversary celebration this technology facilitates matching the feet and body motion to the music and it's rhythm. Connect to the beat with RUNGODANCE.  It's as easy as 1-2-3-4!