Friday, June 15, 2012

Fat Burning Machine Post Cruise Update

June 2nd was the first leg of our Fat Loss Seminar and on June 7th I went on a cruise; 4 days of food, drink, desserts, boose and many decadent choices of items to intake. This is the third cruise I've been on since I has 'changed my eating habits' and I must say this is the third cruise that I have not stressed over 'what am I going to eat today' scenario. I have been a bonified binger/purger and I am so happy to declare that the urge to do either didn't even enter my mind this trip, nor the previous two cruises. It's been about 2 years now since I would say my bullimia is under control. Hallilejiah! It has not been easy, living with food addiction is quite challenging. (Another time to elaborate on that topic)
The point of my story is that can go on a cruise and make good choices AND enjoy yourself. I had decided that I would not stop working out on the trip and also that I would not skip meals. (Remember that this system of fat optimization considers 'skipping meals' cheating) . I ate 4 to 6 meals each day. I drank alcohol and sugar drinks moderatley and I maintained my normal work out schedule. (Most hotels and cruise ships have gyms as to accommodate the guests). And of course each evening hit the nite club and danced the night away. Once your body is on the other side of being a fat storage incubator you can deviate and enjoy life and it's decadence.
I am here to tell you that it CAN be done. You can do it. You can turn your body into a fat burning machine!

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