Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Try Turning Your Critic Into Your Coach!

Try Turning Your Critic Into Your Coach!

I often wonder why we are so compelled to immediately focus on the bad,  instead of the good.  Can anyone help me understand?  I think it's a good plan to ask yourself questions that put you in the positive end of the spectrum. ' What is right?  What is going well?  What are you proud of and pleased with?  What is good about the situation?  How can I make things better? 

When you learn a skill it is somewhat imposed upon you to force the focus to be of a seeking nature, as in seeking know how; and that can be positive.  it also keeps your brain moving in the direction of 'toward' instead of 'away' from.   When I teach a person a new dance technique or pattern they go inside and search for the 'how to' and if I time it just right they don't have time to ask 'why not or can't' I get this?

I think teaching and coaching is an extremely honorable thing to master.  Communication and sensitivity are such key elements in delivering information to one who is trying to learn a skill or technique.  I want the focus to be, what I can do and what I am good at, not anything else; the alternative is just very limiting and in some cases very destructive. 

So let's gather together and ask ourselves some questions that force us to answer in positive spin.  What am I good at?  What do I do well?  How am I helpful to others?  I have shared just a few questions that if you truly take the time to ask yourself,  the answers may amaze you. Turn your critic into your coach!

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