Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How Can You Turn your Body Into a Fat Burning Machine?

Well, can you?  yes you can teach your body to burn fat instead of storing it. I didn't think it possible given with my relationship with food that one day I would actually be in control of my intake and optimize my work outs. It has happened, though not as timely as I had wished. It is certainly a work in progress!

Firstly, develop a sense that the body and mind need to be fed for good function.   In a wood burning stove as soon as the fire is ignited to keep the oven burning consistently logs of wood must be administered efficiently and in a timely manor.  My friend, Joe, the Firehouse Chef and Nutritionist says ' Clock , Calorie and Content ' the three C's that got me from fat storing to fat burning (along with a heavy and hard work out routine discussed later).

In other words and secondly,  EAT BREAKFAST  and make it the biggest meal/calorie intake of the day or a very close second. A real easy choice is a banana, oatmeal and 4 to 6 egg whites.  If you can't stomach that, e mail me and we can discuss other options.

Thirdly, eat every 3 to 4 hours and DON'T SKIP a meal. This will be difficult but extremely effective AND mostly will rid you of your carb cravings that sneak in when we starve ourselves and then compensate like a ravenous Gorilla!

Water;  drink it!  How much, well more than you are drinking now most likely. It's very important to flush your body and drink water.

And lastly for today; move, dance, walk, park far away, skip, move, move and move!

So a start to flipping your body to fat optimization as opposed to fat incubation.


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